A Learn with Mobile case study.
From time to time we get asked to do amazing things with Learn with Mobile. Here's a great example of a visionary project commissioned by Vodafone. The end product - Vodafone Coach - is now helping to reinforce their coaching culture worldwide.
Vodafone supervisors needed a tool to help them coach colleagues effectively in their hectic day-to-day working environment.
The solution needed to work for people new to coaching, and for experienced coaches.
The app should guide them, and be usable during the coaching process. And also keep learning at hand to ensure knowledge and techniques are up-to-date and that coaching is at the front of everyone's mind.
As well as full corporate branding, a customised coaching process was developed to extend the capabilities of Learn with Mobile.
Coaches can brush up on their knowledge and techniques whenever they need a refresher, using the integrated learning library.
The finished application - including guided observations, coaching sessions, and feedback, has been rolling out to Vodafone territories across the world.
Whether the coach is experienced, or new to the role, the Coach app helps them to learn more and reinforces their coaching abilities.
They can use whatever device is convenient for them - PC, tablet, or smartphone, depending on their preferences and the practicalities of their particular location.
And the underlying Learn with Mobile platform means that delivering supporting learning assets in any format is a breeze.
Learn with Mobile can be used out-of-the-box to deliver a rich and engaging learning experience, or it can be customised to almost any environment to deliver exactly what your organisation needs in a particular circumstance.
Get in touch for a no-obligation discussion.